If any candidate remarks some shortcomings or failure, please drop note in comment box while voting,
Poll: Ticketings
Shall we all vote ....
They are leaders of the world ...
Zikalkis is guide for the civilisation and god for history and all generations ....
you can vote in comment box, just click on comments and do it,
voting right ( souffrage ) is universal
Suffrage, political franchise, or simply the franchise,distinct from mere voting rights,
is the civil right to vote gained through the democratic process.
I started from latest
Declaration of Intent of Candidacy
(Formal Announcement of Candidacy):
Declaration of Intent of Candidacy
(Formal Announcement of Candidacy):
Traditional identity:
Winona LaDuke 10/10/59
Mundane identity:
Mundane universal:
Winuniye Zintagaru Loske Dasqeras
Universal identity:
Zababau Ganteros Cirimbe Ostanagu
Rich Reed 20/10/60 Umior Mango
( richreedforpresident@gmail.com )
Lorgatog Obrebiq Gramenate Orebas
Zikansa Gonsobar Cahibes Ogwokisi
( richreedforpresident@gmail.com )
Lorgatog Obrebiq Gramenate Orebas
Zikansa Gonsobar Cahibes Ogwokisi
Kentary Plosgie ( dostofendanso @ gmail.com )
Qantor Wagant Parsinger Nontinar
Zikabau Ganteros Carimbe Ostinagu
Michael Richard Mike Pence 06/07/69
Kink Pensatero ( citumupotuhut @gmail.com )
Hentod Naranday Hortest Nagargasi
Zabynga Gorongar Carange Ogovargi
Qantor Wagant Parsinger Nontinar
Zikabau Ganteros Carimbe Ostinagu
Michael Richard Mike Pence 06/07/69
Kink Pensatero ( citumupotuhut @gmail.com )
Hentod Naranday Hortest Nagargasi
Zabynga Gorongar Carange Ogovargi
Michele Marie Amble Bachmann
Maesha Verbante ( citomopetehut@ gmail. com)
Koine Estengas Registia Irgamanso
Zikangy Gorongir Caringe Ogowargi
Newton Leroy Newt Gingrich 17/06/43
Voitiq Mulowray (brihtoponomon @gmail.com)
Harben Nagartas WarbenteTonergas
Zirangy Gorongib Carinse Ogowirsa
Zybynga Gorongir Caringe Ogvoaragi
Voitiq Mulowray (brihtoponomon @gmail.com)
Harben Nagartas WarbenteTonergas
Zirangy Gorongib Carinse Ogowirsa
Sarah Palin 20/10/70
Shorona Orbindor (izontoberevon@gmail.com)
Nairanda Haptest Nigaragas HontedZybynga Gorongir Caringe Ogvoaragi
Ronald Ernest Ron Paul 08/20/35
Ronie Parlie ( babosopobufen@ gmail.com )
Lortigen Oberbia Garamente Orban
Zibangy Gungogir Cabinge Ogowaksi
Ronie Parlie ( babosopobufen@ gmail.com )
Lortigen Oberbia Garamente Orban
Zibangy Gungogir Cabinge Ogowaksi
Thomas Cary
Kinsor Pranari (abtomontonomo @gmail.com)
Sorgit Margatrir Orpangore Zikant
Zibangy Gugongir Cabinge Ogowaksi
Kinsor Pranari (abtomontonomo @gmail.com)
Sorgit Margatrir Orpangore Zikant
Zibangy Gugongir Cabinge Ogowaksi
Samuel Timothy II Wiford ..
Morgotonod Vintofebon (antreant@ gmail.com)
Sarbenia Vorper Orhanago Marunbet
Zibangy Gugongir Cabinge Ogowaksi
Morgotonod Vintofebon (antreant@ gmail.com)
Sarbenia Vorper Orhanago Marunbet
Zibangy Gugongir Cabinge Ogowaksi
Hal Chad Carrington Hayes
Rink Franara ( akonodomenoko@ gmail.com )
Sortig Martidara Orpanorse Valant Zibangy
Gugongir Cabinge Ogowaksi
Richard John Rick Santorum
Sirtog Martadara Orpinorge Wilant
Zibansy Gulongir Cabange Ogowakis
James Richard Rick Perry 04/03/50
Sritog Mirtadira Opinorger Walint
Zibinsi Gulongar Cibanes Ogovikas
Willard Mitt Romney 12/03/47
Frint Rosentari ( endoiptopernia @gmail.com )
Sartos Mirtidiri Opanorser Vagite
Zarinsi Gulongab Casaneb Osowakig
Donald John Trump, Sr. 9/14, 1946
Berien Pavitoba (evumontoretes @gmail.com)
Gartos Tirtidiri Opanorser Uagite
Zikinis Gulongab Casaneb Osuwagis
Herman Cain 13/12/1945
Logrof Zandobas ( femtoregveron @gmail.com )
Satros Matridiri Zapnorser Vasate
Zariesi Gulonsar Casiner Ogowagir
Logrof Zandobas ( femtoregveron @gmail.com )
Satros Matridiri Zapnorser Vasate
Zariesi Gulonsar Casiner Ogowagir
David Howell Petraeus 07/11/52
Vent Montermus ( frentestarteros @gmail.com )
Satrog Matritiri Zaperoser Visate
Zariesi Gulonsar Casiner Ogowagir
Vent Montermus ( frentestarteros @gmail.com )
Satrog Matritiri Zaperoser Visate
Zariesi Gulonsar Casiner Ogowagir
Paul Russell Rosenberger
Herment Nostror (gerpozarhonto @gmail.com)
Satros Matridiri Zaperoser Vasite
Zarinsi Gulongar Casineb Ogovargi
Herment Nostror (gerpozarhonto @gmail.com)
Satros Matridiri Zaperoser Vasite
Zarinsi Gulongar Casineb Ogovargi
John Green Ferguson
Garenag Zibstorm ( harpofenetrot @gmail.com )
Sitros Matridiri Zaperorse Valate
Zarisih Gulongra Casbine Ogrovagi
Garenag Zibstorm ( harpofenetrot @gmail.com )
Sitros Matridiri Zaperorse Valate
Zarisih Gulongra Casbine Ogrovagi
Timothy James Tim Pawlenty 11/27/60
Bonie Farlie (ipipomuvunges @gmail.com)
Lortasum Oberbya Garamente Orbans
Lortasum Oberbya Garamente Orbans
Zabanga Gonsugar Cabihge Ogowiksi
Erin Kent Magee
Forar Kraftozorengo (jedontenofest@gmail.com)
VOTE IN COMMENTS and their box below: Click on Comments!!!!( We shall count ballots on January The First 2012 ).... good luck ....be your own voter and candidate and apply for the place in my list of 300 candidates ....